Wednesday, March 26, 2025
We envisage the Alumni Association as partners in the progress of the University. This Association unfolds a series of opportunities to serve this great University and lend our cooperation in full measure in its success and sustenance.
We think of the Alumni Association helping all of us stay connected to our alma mater.
We visualize it in facilitating the fine tradition of giving back.
(Alumni of IITs and American Universities are known for this).
The Association should support the University in pursuit of excellence.
The Association should seek to promote networking among alumni bodies/individuals and provide services to members.
We consider the Alumni Association as vital to the onward march of our University in the new millennium.
We are thinking of initiatives and strategies in fulfillment of the avowed objectives. This calls for the strengthening the Association.
Our focus is on Broad basing the membership Increasing the paid membership Strengthening the resources and organizational framework Increasing the Awareness and impact of the Alumni Association through well-planned activities/approaches.
Involving More Alumni and Students (Prospective alumni) in the activities of the Association.
Creating a virtual Alumni Association through web-based initiatives.
The University is willing to extend all possible cooperation for the success of this enterprise, which is a link between the past and the present and holds connectivity to the future. We appeal to all the alumni to enroll in the Association and strengthen the bonds with our alma mater. There are different categories of membership for participation in the Association.
You may download the form for membership of the association. Download