Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Department of Urdu came into existence in 2008. It offers two year M.A. programme, which consists of four semesters with four elective papers as core component. A Ph.D. programme also started in the year 2015-16.
Karimnagar is a well- known area of Urdu speaking people with 70% of the people speaking Urdu. The state Government has declared Urdu as a second language of 18 national languages. Urdu is one of the prominent Indian Language which originated in India and spread all over the world. It helps in promoting national integration around the globe. It also caters to the needs of Urdu students hailing from the region.
The department is actively engaged in conducting national and international seminars. It has so far conducted one international and four national seminars. The faculty members published 16 books. As part of academic curriculum, it organizes guest lectures to students by inviting speakers from other universities as well as foreign scholars. The department celebrates the Urdu day on the eve of birth day of “Allama Iqbal” a continental poet in Urdu. Further, it observes the “World Mother Tongue Day”. It conducts the National Urdu day on 21 February every year. The students have received gold medals for their academic excellence. A few students have qualified in UGC NET and SET examination and a few others have completed M.Phil. and Ph.D. from reputed Universities. There are four teachers working in the department on regular basis. An Adjunct Professor is engaged in the Department for better exposure of teaching and research.
The mission of the department is to promote Urdu language and literature in the society and to enlighten the lives of educationally backward and downtrodden students of the society.
To cater the needs of the students and to empower themselves to face the challenges of the unemployment. To make use of fundamental educational system.