Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Visiter Count:

About the Department

Brief Introduction To The Subject Botany

Botany subject plays vital role in serving the various allied subjects and professional subjects like Agriculture, Forestry and Ayurveda etc. The founding faculty laid an impeccable foundation for teaching and research. Utmost importance was given to teaching of basics of Botany subject i.e. Phycology, Mycology and Plant Pathology, Anatomy and Embryology, Taxonomy & Biosystematics, Ethnobotany, Plant Physiology, Evolution, Cytology and Cytogenetics, Mutation Breeding, Biochemistry and Biostatistics, etc.

History and Development of Department of Botany

The Department of Botany was established in the academic year 2013-2014 as a regular course, with the approval of Monitoring & Development Committee held on 1st October 2012. The Department of Botany is enriched with four faculty members who did their doctoral research on vivid fields of Plant sciences i.e. Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology, Applied Phycology, Plant Pathology, Mycology & Microbiology, Taxonomy and Forest Ecology.

M.Sc. Botany course was introduced as a regular course from the academic year 2013-14. The initial intake of students was only 30 at LMD campus in University College of Science, Karimnagar. Later Department of Botany was shifted to the main campus located at Malkapur Road, Karimnagar in 2015 with sufficient well furnished class rooms and laboratories to conduct all the practicals of the subject.

Objectives of M.Sc. Botany course

  • The aim is to impart knowledge and training to equip students in plant sciences.
  • To strive for excellence in the fields of teaching and research.
  • To encourage the students to attend and present in the National seminars
  • To empower students with information and quality education.
  • To empower the students in handling the laboratory tools
  • To utilize the modern tools of Botany in enriching the potential of traditional knowledge and practices of the plants.
  • To apply the botanical knowledge to solve the present day to day problems.

Vision of the Department of Botany

  • To develop interest and enthusiasm among the students towards the subject.
  • To attain excellence in teaching in Botany in general and Research in particular
  • To enrich the students through knowledge and Botanical information.
  • To enhance and improve the inherent potential of the students.
  • To cultivate ethical values and make responsible citizens
  • To apply botanical knowledge to social programmes like Haritha Haram etc.
  • To provide resource persons to conduct various awareness programmes like National Forest Day, National Science Day, Soil day etc.

Departmental Library

The Departmental Library is enriched with books belong to various disciplines, not only in Botany but also various disciplines of Plant Sciences. We are planning to start a Research Journal ( Satavahana Journal of Life Sciences) in order to encourage students to ignite their minds to take up research as profession and to qualify CSIR/UGC/SET/ASRB-NET exams. Apart from that we also planning to setup a competitive cell to get all India services like IFS and IAS which have botany as an optional subject.