Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Department of Chemistry has been established in 2008 with an inception of Satavahana University at LMD campus. In the year 2012, it was trifurcated into three specializations viz., M.Sc., Inorganic Chemistry, M.Sc., Organic Chemistry and M.Sc., Physical Chemistry. Total intake of students is 48, 16 in each specialization. Later on it was shifted to Satavahana University main campus in 2014. Basically our subject Chemistry is interdisciplinary and involved in wide areas of research like Nanotechnology, Materials science, Catalysis, Natural Products, Medicinal Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Hence, continuous research is going on in creating number of new molecules acting as Drugs, Pesticides, Polymers and Vitamins for the betterment of human life. Presently our Department is enriched with three Regular Assistant Professors, five Contract Assistant Professors, and three Part-Time faculty. Six of them are doctorates, one post-doctorate and remaining are perusing their Ph.D. Our Department has organized a national seminar on Green Chemistry in 2010 with the financial assistance of APCOST. We have conducted a workshop in 2012 with Indo-South African project collaboration. Recently, we have organized faculty development programme for PG teachers to update their subject in accordance with newly revised P.G. syllabus based on CBCS. Every year we have campus drive and our P.G. students are getting placements in various Pharma industries. Our Faculty is continuously extending their efforts in encouraging the students to involve in power point presentations, seminars and group discussions for reaching academic excellence. We have started Ph.D. programme in 2015 and presently three research scholars are working for their Ph.D. degree. Our department is enriched with well equipped laboratories with all the safety measures like fume hood, fire extinguisher, exhaust fans for the students to gain practical skills and handling reactions in safety environment. We have an instrumentation lab equipped with UV-Visible Spectrophotometer and Infrared Spectrophotometer. Also, we have two research labs which are well equipped with all safety measures for carrying out research activity. Our Department has initiated Ph.D programme in the year 2015 and also recently in January 2019 we have conducted Ph.D interviews and presently Nine research scholars were working for their Ph.D programme.
Our Department is extending its full support and coordination in motivating the students to learn the applications of chemistry in choosing their carrier for research or job opportunities. Our staff is putting their continuous efforts in training and guiding the students for achieving CSIR-JRF /NET. Our department is extending its full resourses in reaching academic exellence by imparting quality education, by exposing the students to instrumentation lab, computer lab to gain practical expertise in various techniques, handling instruments, equipments etc.