Wednesday, March 26, 2025
SI.No. | Department | Name |
1 | Chemistry | Dr. M. Sarasija, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, SU, KNR. |
2 | Botany & Microbiology | Prof. B. Rama Devi, Dept. of Botany, OU, HYD. |
3 | Mathematics | Prof. N. Kishan, Dept. of Mathematics, OU, HYD. |
4 | Statistics | Dr. M. Raghavender Sharma, Dept. of Statistics, OU, HYD. |
5 | Zoology | Prof. M. Madhavi, Dept. of Zoology, OU, HYD. |
6 | Physics | Dr. D. Suresh, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics, UPGC, SU, GDK. |
7 | Urdu | Dr. Nazimuddin Munwar, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Urdu, SU, KNR. |
8 | Hindi | Dr. M. Maya Devi, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Hindi, OU, HYD. |
9 | English | Dr. B. Deepa Jyothi, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, KU, WRGL. |
10 | Telugu | Dr. S. Kamalakara Sharma, Dept. of Telugu, OU, HYD. |
11 | Economics | Prof. M. Varaprasad, Dept. of Economics, SU, KNR |
12 | History | Dr. I. Indira, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of History, OU, HYD. |
13 | Political Science | Dr. N. Kumara Swamy, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Political Science, PU, MHBN. |
14 | Pub. Administration | Prof. R. Limbadri, OU, HYD |
15 | Sociology and Social work | Dr. K. Padmavathi, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Sociology, SU, KNR. |
16 | Commerce | Dr. D.Harikanth, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce, SU, KNR. |
17 | Business Management | Dr. E. Manohar, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Business Management, SU, KNR. |
18 | Computer Science | Dr. B. Vishnu Vardhan, Vice-Principal, JNTUHCE, Manthani |
19 | Pharmacy | Dr. B. Shireesha, Dept. of Pharm. Chem., University College, TU, NZB. |
20 | Education | Dr. P. Shankar, Dept. of Education, OU, HYD. |
21 | Phy. Education | Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Dept. Of Phy., Education, OU, HYD. |
22 | Law | Dr. N. Ramprasad, Assoc. Professor of Law, OU, HYD. |
23 | BHMCT | Dr. N. V. SriRanga Prasad, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Business Management, SU, KNR. |