Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Visiter Count:

Placement Cell

Dr. E. Manohar

Placement Officer
Phone: 9491804471

About the Cell

The cell was established in 2010, with the primary goal to guide the students for various career and competitive opportunities. It guides the students with the skills essential for successful positions which lead to the expected career of students of arts, commerce, management, Sciences and social sciences.


The career guidance and placement cell has conducted a workshop on Competency and Employability Skills from December 11-26, 2013 in which 52 students have participated in the training programme. The students were trained on facing interviews and English language skills.

Internship and Recruitment: The Placement Cell of Satavahana University could place 8 students of MBA for internship in Agriculture Department, Karimnagar district for 3 months during the academic year 2014-2015 and 3 are placed in Marketing of Agriculture Department.

Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp: A three day awareness camp has been conducted to the students on establishing the micro and small units to the students of MBA and M.Sc Food Science from February 20-22, 2014.

Campus Recruitment Drive: On March 20, 2014 and other 3 campus recruitment drives conducted in the University College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce in which 45 students were selected to various companies like Eminent Technologies, Intense Technologies and few other small organizations in Hyderabad.

Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship Development: The FDP in Entrepreneurship Development has been conducted to the faculty members of Management and Engineering from September 15-27, 2014. The participants were given awareness on entrepreneurship and taken them to the local industries at Karimnagar.

Training of Trainers in Entrepreneurship Development: The TOT in Entrepreneurship Development has been conducted to the faculty members of Management, Engineering and other organizations from October 13-25, 2014. The participants were given awareness on entrepreneurship and taken them to the local industries at Karimnagar.

Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship Development: The FDP in Entrepreneurship Development has been conducted to the faculty members of Management and Engineering from February 02-14, 2015 at University PG College, Godavarikhani The participants were given awareness on entrepreneurship and taken them to the local industries at Godavarikhani, Dist, Karimnagar.

Recruitment Drive: The career guidance and placement cell has conducted a workshop on Competency and Employability Skills from December 11-26, 2013 in which 52 students have participated in the training programme. The students were trained on facing interviews and English language skills.