Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Visiter Count:

About the Department

Today subject Economics is an essential and all pervasive academic discipline that caters to all sections of the society and is no longer considered as an elitist social science that is meant for intellectuals and scientists who work with multiple government agencies. The core job of an economist is to research and analyze the trends in different sections of society and industry. So the basic motive of this Department in the University is to create and decipher the knowledge on one hand and enhance the skills of the young youth on the other hand.

The Department is one of the oldest Departments of the University which started in 1980 in Satavahana Institute of PG studies. In the academic year 1989-90, the Institute became the PG Centre of Osmania University, Hyderabad and subsequently in the year 1993 it was transferred to the administrative control of Kakatiya University, Warangal. In the month of August, 2008 the PG Centre of Kakatiya University at Karimnagar has been upgraded as Satavahana University. Many renowned personalities like Prof.C.H.Hanumantha Rao, former Chancellor of Universityi of Hyderbad is associated with this Department since its inception. The Department is endowed with efficient, experienced and committed faculty. The Department is at present offering M.A programme. The Department is keen to develop research programmes to contribute to the development of Research, academicians and students

The District of Karimnagar has more than 80 colleges imparting training to students in Economics at the undergraduate level . A sizable number of the student population is first generation students who belong to all social groups. To cater to the needs of these potential entrants to P. G. Course, the Satavahana University has taken the first initiative to provide a well-tailored Economics course at P. G. Level in the university catering to the needs of the District. The Department has organized a 10 day Workshop on Research Methodology course in Social Sciences and Two day National Seminar on FDI in India: boon or bane funded by ICSSR,New Delhi and SRC Hyderabad. The department has also organized a Two day Worksho on Research Methodology for Research Scholoars and Teachers of Economics on 21st and 22nd December, 2017 and a Two day National Seminar on ‘Development of Telangana: Issues and challenges” on 28th and 29th March, 2018 sponsored by TSCH, Hyderabad