Saturday, March 29, 2025

Visiter Count:

Head of Department

Dr. Srivani, Asst. Professor

Head of Department

Dr. Srivani Koduri is Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Satavahana University, Karimnagar, Telangana State. She obtained her M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. degrees from Kakatiya University and qualified the UGC-National Eligibility Test in Economics, UGC-National Eligibility Test in Education and State Eligibility Test in Economics. She got three gold medals for obtained 1st rank in M.A. Economics. She had 17 years of teaching experience at Under Graduate , B.Ed and Post Graduate levels in various Private Colleges, B.Ed Colleges, Govt. Degree Colleges, Telangana University and Satavahana University. So far she participated and presented the research papers in various National and International seminars which are published in various books and reputed UGC care, Scopus indexed of National and International journals. She attended orientation Courses, Refresher Courses, National- International Webinars, Online workshops and Online Faculty Development Programmes. She has edited three books and authored three books herself.

She successfully organized the National Level Online Workshop on Online Educational Resources for Teaching, Learning and Research, Two-Day National Webinar on National Education Policy-2020, National Webinar on Indian Health Policy: An Evaluation of Pre and Post Covid-19 Period and National webinar on Use and Construction of Research Tools in Social Sciences.

Under her able guidance, two Ph.D. Research scholars in Economics were awarded and she has supervising three Research Scholars in Economics, Satavahana University at present. She is a life member of Indian Economic Association and Telangana Economic Association, Hyderabad, Telangana State. Now, she is Head, Department of Economics, Satavahana University, Karimnagar. She had holded the administration positions of Programmee Coordinator, NSS, Additional Controller of Examinations and Additional Chief Warden for Girls and Warden for Girls of Satavahana University, Karimnagar.

Previously, she had successfully handled the academic positions as the Chairperson, Board of Studies, Head in Economics, Satavahana University, Karimnagar. Her areas of interest in research and teaching are Micro Economics, Rural Development, Quantitative Economics and Economics of Education. She has organized A Two-Day National Seminar on 75 Years of Indian Economy under the aegis of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi & Telanagan State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad. She has awarded for the Short-Term Empirical Research Project entitled “A Study on Sukanya Samridhi Yojana in Rural Telangana-A National Scheme for Financial Inclusion”which is funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. She has received the prestigious awards in research, teaching and academic excellence by reputed national and international research institutions.