Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Dr.E.Manohar, is Asst.Professor in the Department of Business Management, University college of Commerce and Business Management, Satavahana University, Karimnagar. He has been in the teaching profession for the last 19 years and teaching the subjects like Creativity & Innovation, Managerial Communication, Organisational Behaviour, International Business, Marketing HR specializations. He is currently Principal, University College of Commerce &Business Management, SU and also holding the positions as Director, Institutions and Industries Interface Cell, Director, Admissions and Placement Officer.He was the Head of the Department of Commerce & Business Management for about 3 years. He has published 14 papers in International Journals and 15 in other journals and also authored 2 books Stress and Quality Management – The Behavioural Perspective and Total Quality Management (TQM) Stress and Human Performance.
He has attended Advanced Leadership Seminar, Hawaii 2007 and Global conference on IHRM, USA 2015 and presented research paper in Australia, Bangkok and Singapore.