Wednesday, March 26, 2025
In today’s world, it is almost impossible to think that one can survive without computers. Computers are important in the research areas of science and technology from storage of data to performing complex calculations. The importance of computers is also undeniable in the world of communication where now the world has indeed become a global village because of this miraculous invention. Computers have also been important in various areas like business transactions, medicine, entertainment, media industries etc. The main emphasis of the program is to understand various business areas and develop Information Technology solution skills of knowledge in current IT Technologies, analyzing the requirements and building information systems. It also provides the students the latest know-how to meet the demands of corporate sector. Learning is a continuous process and does not end with the acquisition of a degree, especially because steady and rapid advances in computing technologies shorten the life of tools and techniques prevalent today. Therefore department do not aim to make the students walking manuals of any language or package.
Satavahana Post Graduate College (SPGC) was established in the year 1980 as an affiliated College of Osmania University and it was taken over as constituent college in the year 1990. Later, the college was taken over by Kakatiya University as its constituent college in the year 1993. Later, in the year 2008 University Post Graduate College was established as Satavahana University.The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 2000. The M.Sc. Computer science (FOUR Semesters) as a self-financed course was introduced during 2000-2001 academic year with intake of 30 students. Later, keeping in view of the demand for the course, the number of seats have gone up to 40.The department continuously updates the syllabus of the course to suit to the changing technologies and research. The department has also the academic control over the U.G. courses such as B.Sc. (Computer Science), B.Z.CA. (Computer Applications) and B.A. (Computer Applications) offered at affiliated colleges of the University. The number of students opting this course as one of the optional at degree level is increasing. The department is well equipped with latest computers to meet the demand of the students. As a result, there has been a steady rise in the number of students opting for M.Sc.( Computer Science). At present, there is one assistant professor (C) and three part-time faculties are working in the department. The department has access to 500 plus titles catering to the needs of students and staff. There are two computer labs in the department to impart instruction in practical field. One LCD projector has been installed as part of teaching aids. Students are encouraged in power point presentations, seminars and group discussions. The department continuously involves in conducting seminars, workshops and also updates the syllabi of this course to suit to the changing latest technologies, research and needs of the stake holders. The faculty are attending seminars and conferences and publishing papers in reputed journals. The job placement for students maintains a constant record at 50% in MNCs and the remaining 50% are placed in academics and research activities.