Saturday, March 29, 2025
Dr.N V SRIRANGA PRASAD holds MBA and PhD Degree in Business Management from Kakatiya University with Eighteen years of teaching experience, including 8 years of administrative experience of managing an affiliated P.G. College offering MBA & MCA courses in the capacity of Principal.
He is currently working as Asst. Professor at Department of Business Management, Satavahana University and is also Head, Dept. of Business Management, Satavahana University. Further he is also holding the responsibility of Additional Controller of Examinations (Confidential), Satavahana University since July 2017.
Prior to joining Satavahana University, he has worked in various capacities in reputed institutions like Hyderabad Business School, GITAM UNIVERSITY & Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), etc.He has served as Executive Editor of “The Indian Management Researcher” a peer-reviewed National Journal of Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University.
Dr.SriRanga Prasad has published several papers in Journals of National and International repute and presented papers in Seminars & Conferences and participated in various Workshops and have two edited books to his credit. He has also organized National Conferences and Workshops and chaired technical sessions for several National Conferences.